SF6 analysis – CEI EN 60480


SF6 is a chemical formula of an inorganic compound which corresponds to sulphur hexafluoride. It is an odourless, colurless, non-flammable, non-toxic gas which is five times denser than air. It doesn’t easily dissolve in water, but is soluble in apolar, organic solvents. When SF6 is inside the electronic arc it can be contaminated by other products in a state of decomposition. The analysis of SF6 gas is useful to discover its volumetric percentage, humidity content and the concentration of the product in a state of decomposition. The results of the analysis define the quality of the gas and if it needs to be replaced to guarantee the insulation of the electronic device.

 Recovery of SF6

Once the SF6 gas has been analysed, Rem Srl evaluates the quality of the gas to decide whether it can be reused or must be disposed of. Among the services which Rem Srl offer are:

  • supply of  SF6 for all newly installed plants,
  • checks on the purity and safety of the installed SF6,
  • regeneration of unusable SF6


Rem Srl is able to dispose of all the gas from devices which are no longer in service, relieving the company from the burden of doing it themselves.

Unwanted gas is usually removed and recycled if an analysis has shown that it is of good quality, otherwise it is disposed of to avoid excessive contamination.

By-products from decomposition which are dangerous for the environment are treated through an Eco compatible procedure which respects the environment.


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